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our why

Last year, I gave law students tips for surviving the practice of law.

“I’ve got an email folder titled Kick-Ass, because there will be days you mess up. Days when you hate your job.

On those days, I open that folder to re-read compliments and re-visit wins. Then, I dust my shoulders off, tell myself, ‘I’m Kick-Ass,’ and get back to work.”

A question popped up in the group chat asking if I had a corresponding Ass-Kicked folder. I joked that I did, and it was called my inbox.

But I do have that folder. It’s full of ugly project reports and emails where things went horribly wrong.

Why? Because while I love to celebrate wins, I also need to learn from my mistakes to make improvements. 

When I got home, I opened that folder.

I saw absentee shareholders. disheartened founders. out-of-touch boards. short-term wins. lost purpose.

I hit me – hard.

If we want business to create economic, social, and environmental value, what got us here, won’t get us there.

So, we studied, learned, and assembled like-minded attorneys, accountants, investors, and ESG experts to help bring steward-owned business structures to the next generation of US entrepreneurs and innovators. 

We made the current system and the downsides it's created; we can remake it to create a positive future.

Meet Our Founders



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